..A Model E-Learning Platform for Colleges of Education in Nigeria

"For the radical transformation of teacher education and the new normal created by Covid-19 the National Commission for Colleges of Education has taken proactive measures that align with global best practices by developing this Model e-Learning platform for online/blended teaching and learning in our Colleges of Education in Nigeria."

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About NCCE Model E-Learning Platform

The National Commission for Colleges of Education with its core mandate of ensuring quality teacher education in Nigeria, aims to deliver a revolutionized learning management system, the e-learning platform. Proper utilization of this e-learning platform will tremendously assist in leveraging technology with a view of promoting new and innovative ways of teaching and learning and strengthen digital capabilities that blend the best of both digital and human resources. Also, this will engender the capacity to use digital platforms to take training and capacity development of teachers to global standard and a guaranteed uniform integration of ICT across the Colleges of Education in Nigeria and thus, reposition our Teachers Professional Capacity Development System to align with global standard